Planet Fitness Red Light Therapy: Total Body Enhancement

Table of Contents >
What is Total Body Enhancement?
Does Total Body Enhancement Actually Work?
What Does Red Light Therapy Do at Planet Fitness?
Planet Fitness Red Light Therapy Wavelength
Vibration Technology in Total Body Enhancement
Your First Session: How-To, How Often, How Long
What to Wear (or Not Wear)
Before & After: What to Expect
Side Effects: Anything to Worry About?
Eye Protection: Yay or Nay?
Finding TBE at Planet Fitness
Planet Fitness Black Card
Homlyns Red Light Therapy Belt
Final Thoughts


Ever heard whispers about Planet Fitness' mysterious red light therapy? Wondering if it's just hype or actually worth your time? We're here to spill the beans on this futuristic-sounding treatment and why it might just be your ticket to feeling fantastic — all without breaking the bank.

Curious about the science, the benefits, and what to expect? Let's get started.

Planet Fitness



You DON’T have to go to Planet Fitness for red light therapy anymore! If you want to enjoy the benefits of red light therapy from the comfort of your own home, the Homlyns' red light therapy belt with 660nm red light & 850nm near-infrared light beads has made it possible for you.

This device integrates red light therapy and vibration functions, brings professional-grade therapy directly to you, offering a convenient and effective solution for reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and relieving muscle pain after workoutall without leaving your home.

What is Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness?

Imagine stepping into a futuristic pod, bathed in a warm, red glow. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? Well, that's essentially what Planet Fitness' Total Body Enhancement machine is all about.

It's not some crazy experiment, though. TBE, also known as the Beauty Angel RVT 30, is rooted in red light therapy – a treatment that's been gaining traction for its potential health and wellness benefits. Think of it as a full-body recharge, using specific wavelengths of light to stimulate your cells and kick-start natural processes.

Adding to the experience is the machine’s vibration function, which enhances circulation, promotes muscle recovery, and stimulates the lymphatic system. This gentle vibration complements the red light therapy, delivering a full-body treatment that boosts relaxation, rejuvenates muscles, and improves overall well-being.

Total Body Enhancement in Planet Fitness


But what does that actually mean to you? Let's break it down.

  • It's a vibe: You literally stand in a booth filled with red and near-infrared lights for about 12 minutes.

  • It's relaxing: Some people even compare it to a tanning bed, minus the UV rays (and the tan).

  • It's science-backed: There's red light therapy research suggesting it can help with everything from muscle recovery to skin health.

So, is it just a fancy light show, or can it truly enhance your body? Let's dig a little deeper.

Does Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness Actually Work?

Now, let's address the elephant in the room. Does this red light thingamajig really do anything, or is it just a glorified tanning bed?

The short answer is yes.

We're not talking about magic here. TBE with red light therapy devices isn't going to turn you into a superhero overnight. However, a growing body of research suggests that red light therapy has some real benefits.

But here's the catch – results can vary from person to person. What works wonders for one might do nothing for another. It's also crucial to manage your expectations. Don't expect miracles; consider TBE a potential boost to your overall wellness routine.

So, is it worth a shot? If you're curious about trying something new and potentially reaping some benefits, TBE might be worth exploring.

But before you jump in, let's take a closer look at the science behind those red lights.

What Does Red Light Therapy Do at Planet Fitness?

So you're standing in this pod, bathed in a red light. But what's actually happening on a cellular level?

Red lights penetrate your skin and get absorbed by your cells, specifically mitochondria – the powerhouses that create energy for your body.

This light energy gives your cells a little boost, encouraging them to function more efficiently. It's like giving them a shot of espresso. This increased cellular activity can trigger a cascade of positive effects throughout your body.

  • Improved blood flow: More energy means your cells can work harder, including those responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. This can lead to better circulation and faster healing.

  • Reduced inflammation: RLT therapy may help calm down overactive immune cells, reducing inflammation and promoting faster recovery from injuries or workouts.

  • Collagen boost: The light can stimulate collagen production, a protein that keeps your skin firm and youthful-looking. Hello, wrinkle reduction!

  • Mood boost: Some people report feeling more energized and even experiencing improved mood after red light sessions.

  • Sleep quality: Better sleep is also a potential benefit, as red light therapy can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

In essence, the LED red light therapy machine at Planet Fitness acts as a catalyst for your body's natural healing and rejuvenation processes. It's not a quick fix, but rather a way to support your body's innate ability to thrive.

Planet Fitness Red Light Therapy Wavelength

So, we know red light therapy works its magic through specific wavelengths of light. But what's the exact number Planet Fitness' machine, also called the Beauty Angel, uses?

It's primarily 620-700nm.

Why 620-700nm, you ask? Well, this wavelength is like the Goldilocks of red light therapy - not too short, not too long, but just right for penetrating your skin quality and reaching those cellular powerhouses.


Think of it like this:

  • Shorter wavelengths (like blue light): These guys are great for zapping surface-level bacteria but don't penetrate very deeply.

  • Longer wavelengths (like infrared): These can go deeper, but they also generate more heat, which isn't the goal with TBE.

  • 630nm: This sweet spot offers a good balance of penetration and cellular stimulation without turning you into a roasted marshmallow.


Planet Fitness' TBE also uses some light in the 660nm and 700nm range, but 630nm is the main player. This specific wavelength has been studied extensively and linked to a range of benefits, including:

  • Boosting collagen production for smoother, younger-looking skin.

  • Improving muscle recovery after those tough workouts.

  • Reducing inflammation to help you feel your best.

Vibration Technology in Total Body Enhancement

Now that we’ve got the red light part covered, let’s talk about the vibration technology in Total Body Enhancement.

TBE features a vibration platform that delivers gentle yet powerful mechanical vibrations, specifically designed to stimulate muscles and enhance your fitness routine.

Each vibration session lasts 10 minutes, making it an easy, time-efficient addition to your workout. You can choose from four intensity levels, tailored to your fitness level and comfort, along with various vibration patterns for a fully customized experience.

Vibration Platform in Total Body Enhancement


Here’s why it’s effective:

  • Improved Circulation: The gentle vibrations stimulate blood flow, promoting better oxygenation and nutrient delivery to muscles, which can aid in recovery and reduce muscle soreness after workouts.

  • Increased Muscle Activation: Cause rapid muscle contractions, helping to engage more muscle fibers during a session. This can lead to enhanced muscle tone and endurance over time.

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Regular use can improve flexibility and range of motion by loosening tight muscles and reducing stiffness.

  • Boosted Metabolism: Increase energy expenditure, which can contribute to a slight boost in metabolism, potentially aiding in fat loss when combined with other fitness activities.

  • Reduced Stress and Relaxation: Can have a calming effect, helping to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, making it an excellent post-workout or standalone recovery tool.

  • Cellulite Reduction: Some users report improvements in skin tone and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite due to enhanced circulation and muscle engagement.

When combined, red light therapy and vibration technology in Total Body Enhancement create a synergistic effect. Red light promotes muscle recovery and skin health, while the vibrations boost circulation and muscle activation. Together, they offer a holistic approach to enhance wellness, recovery, and overall performance.

Your First Session: How-To, How Often, How Long

Ready to give it a shot? Let's break down how to actually use the Total Body Enhancement booth at Planet Fitness.

How to Use Total Body Enhancement

Source: KevTheTrainer

Step 1: Find the Booth

  • It's usually tucked away in a private room or corner. Ask a staff member if you can't find it.

Step 2: Prep Yourself

  • Less is more: The more skin exposed, the better the light can work its magic. You can wear minimal clothing or a swimsuit, but be sure to remove any jewelry or lotions.

  • Eye protection: Though the light is generally considered safe, some people prefer to wear sunglasses or goggles, especially if they're sensitive to light. Planet Fitness usually has some available.

Step 3: Step Inside and Glow Up

  • Position yourself: Stand in the center of the booth, facing the lights. Some booths have hand straps you can hold onto.

  • Relax and enjoy: The session lasts around 12 minutes. You can close your eyes, meditate, or just zone out. Some booths even have music or guided meditations.

Control Panel of Total Body EnhancementControl Panel of Total Body Enhancement

Control Panel of Total Body Enhancement 

How Often? How Long?

  • Frequency: Aim for 2-3 sessions per week for optimal results.

  • Duration: Each session is about 12 minutes long.

  • Consistency is key: It may take a few weeks to notice any changes, so stick with it.


Check with your Planet Fitness location for their specific TBE policies and any additional instructions. Some locations may require reservations or have slightly different procedures.

What to Wear (or Not Wear) for Your Red Light Session

Here's the deal: the less you wear, the better. The light needs to reach your skin to work its magic, so ditch those bulky layers. Think swimsuit, gym shorts, or even just your underwear if you're feeling bold. Just remember, you'll be in a private booth, so no need to worry about prying eyes.

  • Avoid thick fabrics: Heavy clothing blocks the light, so stick to lightweight, breathable materials like cotton or linen.

  • Ditch the jewelry and lotions: These can also interfere with the light, so it's best to remove them before your session.

  • Eye protection: While the light is generally safe, some folks prefer to wear sunglasses or goggles, especially if they're sensitive to light. Your Planet Fitness likely has some on hand.

  • Avoid wearing makeup: Makeup can block red light from penetrating the skin, reducing its effectiveness for promoting cellular regeneration and improving skin tone.

If you're unsure what to wear, just ask the staff at your Planet Fitness. They'll be happy to guide you.

Before & After: What to Expect

Okay, now for the exciting part – what can you actually expect to see and feel after a few weeks of consistent red light therapy sessions?

Don't expect overnight transformations or to suddenly look 20 years younger. But with consistent use, you might notice some subtle yet significant changes.

On the outside

  • Skin that glows: Think smoother, more even skin tone. Fine lines and wrinkles may start to soften, and you might notice a reduction in blemishes or redness.

  • Muscle recovery: Say goodbye to lingering soreness after those tough workouts. You might bounce back quicker and feel less achy overall.

On the inside

  • Energy boost: Many folks report feeling more energized and less fatigued after sessions. It's like your cells got a little pep talk.

  • Improved mood: Some people even notice a boost in their mood and overall sense of well-being.

  • Better sleep: If you struggle with sleep, red light therapy might help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, leading to more restful nights.



The disclaimer:

Everyone's different. Your results might not be the same as someone else's. It's also important to continue your healthy habits – eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Red light therapy can enhance your efforts, but it's not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

Side Effects: Anything to Worry About?

The good news is that red light therapy is generally considered safe. Most people don't experience any negative effects.


However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Eye sensitivity: The light can be bright, so some folks might experience temporary eye discomfort or sensitivity. That's why those goggles are handy.

  • Skin sensitivity: In rare cases, people with very sensitive skin might notice slight redness or irritation after a session. This usually fades quickly.

  • Medications: Certain medications can make your skin more sensitive to light. If you're taking any meds, it's always a good idea to check with your doctor before trying red light therapy.


You should also avoid or seek medical advice before using red light therapy if:

  • Pregnancy: If you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid red light therapy or consult your doctor beforehand.

  • Epilepsy: Those who suffer from epilepsy may want to steer clear of RLT therapy due to the risk of triggering seizures.

  • Cardiac issues: If you have any heart conditions, it’s important to seek medical advice before starting therapy.

  • Bone conditions or implants: Those with hip and bone diseases or who have received bone implants should be cautious.

  • Acute illness or inflammation: RLT therapy may not be suitable if you’re suffering from acute illness or inflammation.

  • Light sensitivity: If you’re particularly sensitive to light, it’s important to approach this therapy with caution.

  • Recent surgery: If you’ve recently had surgery, it’s wise to consult with your healthcare provider before starting red light therapy.


And here's what red light therapy won't do:

  • Give you a sunburn: It doesn't use UV light rays, so no worries about skin damage or increasing your risk of skin cancer.

  • Make you overheat: Unlike tanning beds, red light therapy doesn't generate a lot of heat. You'll feel warm and cozy, not like a baked potato.


Overall, red light therapy at Planet Fitness is a low-risk way to potentially boost your wellness. But if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor or a Planet Fitness staff member. They're there to help you make informed decisions about your health.

Eye Protection: Yay or Nay?

So, you're ready to step into the red light booth, but you're wondering... do I really need those goofy goggles?

While red light therapy is generally considered safe for your eyes, it's always better to err on the side of caution. Those lights can be pretty bright, and staring directly at them for 12 minutes might not be the best idea.

Planet Fitness usually provides eye protection, like sunglasses or goggles, for TBE users. Pop those on, and you can relax knowing your peepers are safe. Plus, you can avoid any awkward squinting or accidental staring contests with other gym-goers.

If you're particularly sensitive to light, consider bringing your own sunglasses or a sleep mask. Just make sure they block out enough light to keep your eyes comfortable.

Eye Protection in Red Light Therapy


Further Reading:

Red Light Therapy Eyes Open or Closed, That's the Question

Finding TBE at Planet Fitness

So, you're sold on the idea of trying red light therapy. But where can you actually find it at Planet Fitness?

Unfortunately, it's not available at every location. Planet Fitness is rolling out TBE gradually, so you'll need to do a bit of detective work.

Here's how to track it down:

  • Check the Planet Fitness website: Go to the location finder and look for the nearby club with Total Body Enhancement.

  • Give them a call: The good old-fashioned phone call still works. Contact your local Planet Fitness directly and ask if they offer TBE.

  • Ask around: If you know anyone who's a Planet Fitness member, see if they've spotted the red light booth at their location.

TBE is typically a Black Card perk, so you'll need to upgrade your membership to access it. But hey, those Black Card benefits are pretty sweet, including massage chairs and discounts on drinks – so it might be worth it.

Black Card Perks: Red Light Therapy and More

Now, let's talk about the real reason you're probably here: the Planet Fitness Black Card, which costs $24.99 per month.

We get it. That monthly fee can feel like a splurge. But if you're eyeing that red light therapy booth, the Black Card is your golden ticket.

  • TBE Access: Most Planet Fitness locations reserve the Total Body Enhancement experience for Black Card members.

  • But wait, there's more: It's not just about the red light. The Black Card unlocks a whole bunch of other perks:

    • Bring a guest anytime

    • Use of massage chairs and hydro-massage beds

    • Discounts on drinks and cool gear

    • Access to any Planet Fitness location


So, is it worth the upgrade? That depends on you.

  • If you're serious about TBE: It's probably a no-brainer. The Black Card gives you unlimited access to red light therapy, plus all the other goodies.

  • If you're on the fence: Consider how often you'd actually use the other perks. If you're a frequent gym-goer who loves a good massage, it could be a solid investment.

Keep an eye out for special promotions. Planet Fitness often runs deals on Black Card memberships, so you might snag a discount.

Ready for Red Light Therapy Without the Gym?

Loved your Planet Fitness experience, but wish you could soak up those red light benefits anytime? Well, you're in luck.

Introducing the Homlyns Red Light Therapy Belt

Tired of the gym crowds and limited hours? With the Homlyns' 3-in-1 Red Light Therapy Belt, you can experience the benefits of professional-grade red light therapy from the comfort of your own home. Our innovative belt features 105 high-quality light beads, each emitting a combination of 660nm red light and 850nm near-infrared light, ensuring deep tissue penetration for maximum effectiveness.

Red Light Therapy Belt


  • Pro-Level Tech at Home: Get the same deep tissue penetration as fancy spa treatments, thanks to 105 professional-grade light beads.

  • Your Therapy, Your Way: Choose from four therapy modes and five intensity levels to target your specific needs, whether it's pain relief, skin rejuvenation, or overall wellness.

  • Double the Benefits: Combine red light therapy with vibration massage and pulse mode for enhanced results.

  • Comfort & Convenience: The lightweight, adjustable belt fits snugly and comfortably, so you can move freely while enjoying your therapy session.

No more waiting for gym hours or fighting for the booth. With the Homlyns Red Light Therapy Belt, you can experience the benefits of red light therapy in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule.

Ready to glow up? Check out the Homlyns belt and start your journey to total body enhancement today.

So, Is Planet Fitness Red Light Therapy Worth It?

In a nutshell, TBE offers a unique way to potentially boost your wellness routine. It's not a magic bullet, but it can be a valuable tool for muscle recovery, skin health, and more. If you're a Planet Fitness Black Card member, it's definitely worth trying. And if you're not, well... maybe those red lights are a good reason to upgrade.

Key takeaways

  • TBE uses specific red light wavelengths to stimulate your cells and promote natural healing.

  • Potential benefits include improved muscle recovery, skin health, pain relief, and even mood enhancement.

  • It's generally safe, with minimal side effects.

  • It's not available at all Planet Fitness locations, so check before you go.

  • It's usually a Black Card perk, but hey, those massage chairs are pretty sweet, too.

Ready to Glow Up at Home?

Want those red light benefits without the gym trip? Check out the Homlyns Red Light Therapy Devices. It's like having your own personal TBE booth, right in your living room. Because sometimes, the best glow-up happens in your PJs.



💬 FAQs

Q1: Do all Planet Fitness locations have red light therapy?

A: Sadly, no. Red light therapy isn't a standard feature at every Planet Fitness. It's being rolled out gradually, so your local gym might not have it yet.


Q2: Is Planet Fitness's red light therapy any good?

A: That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? The answer is a bit nuanced. If you're looking for a miracle cure or a quick fix, you'll be disappointed. But if you're open to the potential benefits of red light therapy – improved muscle recovery, skin health, and overall well-being – it might be worth a try. Just keep your expectations realistic, and remember that results vary.


Q3: Is red light therapy at Planet Fitness safe?

A: Yes, generally speaking, it's safe. Red light therapy doesn't use harmful UV rays, so there's no risk of sunburn or skin damage. The most common side effects are mild eye sensitivity or skin irritation, which usually go away quickly. As with any new treatment, if you have concerns, chat with your doctor first.


Q4: Is Planet Fitness's red light therapy legit?

A: Yes, it's legit. The science behind red light therapy is solid, and many studies have shown its potential benefits. Planet Fitness uses professional-grade equipment, so you can trust that you're getting a quality treatment.


Q5: Does Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement tan you?

A: Nope, not at all. Keep in mind that there are no UV rays involved, so you won't get a tan. You might experience a temporary flush or glow after your session, but that's just increased blood flow to the skin, not a tan.


Q6: Does planet fitness total body enhancement burn calories?

A: Let's be straight: TBE is not a workout.

While the vibration plate might get your muscles twitching a bit, it's not going to replace your cardio routine. You'll likely burn a few extra calories compared to just standing still, but we're talking minimal here. Think of it more like a gentle massage than a calorie-torching session.

Don't get us wrong - red light therapy has its own awesome benefits, but weight loss isn't its main claim to fame.

So, if you're looking to shed pounds, stick to those treadmills and weights. But if you're interested in enhancing your overall wellness and potentially boosting your recovery, TBE might be a valuable addition to your fitness routine.



  • DE Oliveira MF, Johnson DS, Demchak T, Tomazoni SS, Leal-Junior EC. Low-intensity LASER and LED (photobiomodulation therapy) for pain control of the most common musculoskeletal conditions. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2022;58(2):282-289. doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.21.07236-1
  • Ferraresi C, Huang YY, Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation in human muscle tissue: an advantage in sports performance?. J Biophotonics. 2016;9(11-12):1273-1299. doi:10.1002/jbio.201600176
  • Wunsch A, Matuschka K. A controlled trial to determine the efficacy of red and near-infrared light treatment in patient satisfaction, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, skin roughness, and intradermal collagen density increase. Photomed Laser Surg. 2014;32(2):93-100. doi:10.1089/pho.2013.3616 

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